Tuesday, December 28, 2010

food and traveling

I went to NYC about a week or so ago and I found it hard to eat. Many places my mom took me made me sick and didn't have many dairy-free options. Also, I don't eat red meat and most seafood, so factor that in too. Basically I don't like meat that much, besides bacon and some ways of cooking chicken, and I can't eat dairy, so that significantly reduces the amount of things I can eat.

The whole trip I was hungry. When I got home, I went to my favorite diner and had french toast, hash browns, and eggs. It was so good. Hunger will drive you crazy.

Christmas was ok on the food front. I ate a good amount of ham and dressing. Ham biscuits are pretty much the greatest ever. I got a whole bag of Hershey's candy in my stocking, which is bad, because all their chocolates have milk in them. Even the dark. And I hate dark chocolate anyway.

I will be going to Mexico on a vacation in the near future and I am hoping that eating won't be took difficult there due to their obsession with cheese in so many foods.

The allergy I'm most irritated over for this trip though is my salt water and sweat allergy. No ocean, no swimming unless it's in a pool. No getting too hot. At least my friends are understanding. I just wish I could snorkel. Fish are totally gorgeous! Knowing me, I'll probably risk it once and will be like 'oh I'll be fine' and end up being a speckled spectacle.