Thursday, February 25, 2010
cheater cheater cheese eater
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
more reviews, Rebecca's Natural Foods
She said the man at Rebecca's was really nice and helpful. She got me some coconut milk that was in the refridgerated section, some dairy-free mac and cheese mix, dairy-free cheese, spinach pie, and dairy-free frozen pizzas.
So Delicious Coconut Milk, vanilla flavor (bought at Rebecca's)
This milk alternative is by far my favorite. I like the sweet flavor, and the very white color. (the dark color of soymilk and almond milk kind of freak me out/are unappetizing to look at). I expected is that it would be a little creamier, but I suppose the lightness of the milk is good for all-purpose use. I think I'm going to stick with this milk! My question now is, how long does it last - how do you know it's gone bad?
For dinner, I just had a...
Millet and Flax Spinach Pie made by Sami's Bakery (bought at Rebecca's)
I don't think I've ever had spinach without cheese, so I was worried, but it wasn't bad! In fact it was pretty good! The "bread" on the outside was tasty and soft. The spinach was tangy and tasty. I was thorougly happy with it and I would definitely eat it regularly. It reminds me of greek cooking. It's dairy-free and gluten-free. It was really easy - just pop it in the toaster oven to heat up. The only thing I don't know is how much it cost.
Then for dessert...
ZenSoy Chocolate Soy Pudding (bought at Kroger, at Barracks)
This pudding is pretty much indestinguishable from regular chocolate pudding. Dairy-free and gluten-free. Bravo.
In other news, Luna bars rock!
Mom, new foods, reviews
So Delicious in chocolate velvet B+
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Things I can fix
- Japanese Curry (curry, carrots, potatoes, rice,
chicken optional)
- BBQ chicken
- mashed potatoes with fake butter and soymilk (wonder how it'll taste though)
- pasta with marinara
- chicken with breadcrumbs
- pork chops in the crock pot with rice
- quinoa with squash (note: can't wait until farmer's market!!)
- homemade pizza without cheese, add veggies if wanted
- sweet potatoes with brown sugar/salt/sugar
- peanut butter sandwiches
- hummus sandwiches (add cucumber slices)
- peanuts as snacks
- carrots as snacks ....but with what dressing now that I can't do ranch?
- salad....what dressing??
Today at CIP I had a salad with balsamic vinaigrette, which I think is our only dairy-free dressing, besides citrus vinaigrette (which I had a reaction to once). I like it alright, but it's still not so great. I had a really hard time figuring out what to eat. I guess I could get any of my favs without the sauces and cheese but that kind of takes away the good stuff. Like, my fav the chicken wrap: I'd have to take out the cheese, aioli (I think??), and that leaves chicken, lettuce, salsa. ugh.
- fish and chips
- st barts chicken
- chicken sandwich without cheese (bacon is on there! bacon will be a new flavor-friend)
- salad with balsamic
- chicken wings
- popcorn shrimp
- fries, sweet potato chips, rice, broccoli, green beans
this is hard
I've cheated on it like every day. While I have successfully avoided cheese, I have still had sauces with dairy in them. I haven't felt 100% since I started this insanity last Thursday...I feel like it's been a really really long and arduous 5 days.
On top of all this stuff, I have to get my Curry application in in a week, which is also super stressful. And a whole bunch of other things are stressing me out right now.
positives: talked to a friend tonight who I don't get to talk to enough, and although I'm awake at this ungodly hour due to a sleep schedule screw-up, there was a fun tv show on animal planet about little people who rescue pit bulls.
I need a vacation....a vacation with no computers, no school, no jobs, and a bunch of cheese....
Monday, February 22, 2010
I cheated
What am I going to do with all the cheese in the fridge?!? I have a feeling I'm going to give in and just eat all of it before I go dairy free....
Sometime this week I plan on going to Whole Foods to pick up some....
goat cheese
nutritional yeast
and try making this recipe for vegan shells and cheese later this week.
I can't wait until the farmer's market starts again so I can get flavored goat cheese from the goat cheese guy, and better produce.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I think part of the problem is that I'm eating more meat. I didn't eat meat but maybe 2, 3 times a week before and I've eaten it every day (and more of it) since I tried to do this. I remember when I was coming back to meat after being a vegetarian for a year, I would get incredibly sick after eating meat. Sounds like I should just go vegan doesn't it? God that would be so difficult.
I just want to stop feeling like crap. I was loopy and stupid today. Ever since I passed out, it's like I've only been about 70% here, mentally and physically.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Giving in
I've actually been feeling kind of crappy since I went off the dairy (ironic) so I'm hoping this will raise my spirits.
I hate that I have to do this. I hate this.
food replacements
I needed something to replace cheese as a snack, so I got peanuts, which will still be a source of protein and fat. I like them, so that's good, but they're messy (I got them still in the shell).
I needed to replace cheese sandwiches as my quick go-to meal, so I got garlic hummus to make sandwiches with cucumber slices in the middle. Healthy right? While this was super delicious, it definitely hit a different hunger spot so I still crave cheese, but it did the best job it could. Luckily the delicious factor is pretty high, so I'll have no problem sticking with this. Problem is, I think this isn't as fatty/calorie-loaded as a cheese sandwich with marinara sauce (my usual) so when I went to my friend's house and had one drink later, it got me tipsy pretty quick.
Lunch: I would have usually would have had something with cheese in it, a sandwich, ravioli, pizza, something like that. I had some rotisserie chicken instead with bbq sauce. While I wasn't hungry later, I was having the shakes later, which I haven't gotten in a while, which means I probably should have had something else with the chicken like bread or some kind of carb.
I really have to work on eating enough. See, I don't get hungry until it's like a really dire situation. I don't get hungry unless I miss a meal - I never get hungry for a meal. I don't know why this is. I tracked what I ate for a normal week once, and including my Mountain Dew and everything I usually ate, and it was only 1300-1500 calories a day, which is not enough. I should be eating 2200 the site said. So, I'm worried that with this new diet change I'll end up not eating enough calories.
I thought I'd been doing better at eating, but when I told all my friends tonight about the day I passed out, and I said I'd eaten a lot from the night before (including the friend who ate dinner WITH me the night before), they were like "YEAH, RIGHT" because apparently it was common knowledge to all of them that I didn't eat a lot...Kind of wish someone had told me that it concerned them and maybe then I would have made more of an effort to eat enough.
I'm going to go find something else to eat...
Please, leave me some specific suggestions for easy stuff to eat!
Friday, February 19, 2010
a new challenge
I've decide to blog about my struggles with going dairy-free. I can only hope that as I write for my own sanity, I can maybe help some others out there in the future who have to do the same thing.
While I do love animals and wish that I could say I was doing this simply not to play into factory farming anymore, that isn't the case. I wish I had that kind of willpower. In reality, I am in love with cheese, truly in love, and I don't know how we could ever break up regardless of cheese's faults.
Or so, that is, until the doctor told me I needed to.
Yesterday I went to get food allergy tests (we're thinking food allergy may be the cause of the symptoms I have, including migraines), and reacted to dairy in the tests. I was prepared for another reaction, like corn or gluten. I was thinking how I could get gluten-free stuff with my friend Emily (who needs gluten-free), or maybe even quit Mountain Dew if it were a corn allergy (Mt Dew has corn syrup in it. I've been drinking it my entire life, since I was a baby). But no, not kicking my caffeine habit for me, it's my other life-long affair with cheese that I have to battle.
I feel like I'm totally overreacting, but I really am mourning all of this. All I could think about yesterday would be the things that I love that I'd have to give up:
- milkshakes
- ice cream (especially our great ice cream at CIP, always a bonding type of food with other servers)
- cheese sandwiches (especially when I'm on the run and have nothing else)
- macaroni and cheese (which I have a strong sentimental tie to)
- scalloped potatoes (Thanksgiving and Christmas staple)
- ranch dressing (practically the only way I eat salad!! How can you be Southern and not eat RANCH!!)
- cheese fondue
- just eating straight cheese as a snack
- cheese in anything Italian
- fettucine alfredo
- toast with real butter
- milk chocolate!! kit kats, reeses, hershey's, twix, chocolate chip cookies, ugggghhh
- just about everything at my restaurant that I usually eat
that's enough...
(but seriously I don't know how to even cook without butter and cheese)
See, I know that a lot of these things can be replaced, even if not fully successfully, they can be replaced. But you have to buy them and fix them at home. The convenience and therefor social-nes of dairy is a real problem. I work at a restaurant four days a week, and that means that I'll significantly have to change what I eat when I'm there (two of those days, I have to eat there because I only have about ten minutes until I go to my next job). Then there's the going out factor - no more going out with friends for dessert, going to CIP for my birthday, sharing a milkshake, accepting cookies from friends, making desserts for others (which is something I love to do). Well, I suppose my sugar cookes are dairy-free, there is that!
The thing is I'm a pretty up-for-anything type of girl, ready to try new foods, new restaurants, hang out with a new crowd, and go with the flow as soon as someone invites me to go somwhere. If I really have to stay dairy-free, that will mean I cant just eat whatever, like I do now. It sucked enough that I couldn't eat strawberries in the last few years, but damn, now almost every dessert is out of range. Shit, that made me remember, cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory! crab wontons! ugh my food-soul is dying...
My only hope is that they're wrong. I saw the reaction on my skin, but I've been fine with eating dairy (and lots of it) forever. And the symptoms I have, I don't really see how they are related to what I eat. Right now is just going to be a trial period; I go a month without eating dairy and see what happens.
Other concerns...
Nutrition - cheese was a large source of my protein and calcium (which I don't get enough of as it is, I know) so I'm really going to have to think about what I eat. The doctor said it was possible that I could lose weight, which would be dangerous at my size, and especially since I passed out when they took my blood and couldn't get my blood pressure over 74/54 for about 10-15 minutes.
I know I'm obsessing, but this is overwhelming, so I'm going to obsess. I wish I had like a going-dairy-free partner, a supporter person like they have in AA.