Fail: Last night at the bar, I had a Klondike bar (real ice cream). I blame the two people who came in really late. I was ready to leave; all I had left was trash and floors. Then this guy walks in who I've seen before, and a girl comes and joins him. He came in at 12:45 and we close at 1am. She came in at 12:50. They were in the service industry so they should have known better. And even if they'f gotten drinks and left in like 15 minutes I wouldn't have been but so upset. But they got their drinks and sat there until 1:25. I ended up doing my trash and floors in front of them around 1:10, and by 1:20 my manager had enticed me to go get a Klondike bar from the freezer. So I went and got one, and apparently that made them realize they needed to leave by the time my manager and I were both just sitting there eating ice cream and staring at them. I didn't eat all the ice cream, but I did eat a good amount of it. As a result, I slept in way late today with a bad headache, and I still have it a little even after taking some tylenol.
Fail the day before: My boyfriend wanted mashed potatoes and since I made them at his house they were with real milk and not my almond milk - which is amazing and I recommend to everyone (I get original unsweetened, for cooking, baking, and eating with cereal). So I ate about a 1/4 cup of milk in my portion of mashed potatoes...which apparently was too much because I had a headache all day yesterday. Granted, after all that's been going on recently (my money drama and his week-long kidney stone) I've certainly been rather stressed, and that probably contributed.
Lesson: don't eat things you know you shouldn't eat, and stress is not good for you.
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