Friday, March 5, 2010


remember that awesome pasta dish I described from the other day, made with goat cheese? Well...apparently goat cheese doesn't work out for me because it made me sick.

Also, I've had a headache since about 6pm (around when I got an email about this letter from Kenneth Cuccinelli...which outraged me to the point of a tension headache that tylenol could not assauge).

I went to a birthday party tonight, first time really being social since going strictly dairy-free. I ended up eating 2 pieces of pizza, but scraped off the cheese. It wasn't good enough to scrape it off - now I feel sick-ish and the headache got increasingly bad as I was there and is still persisting, though the loud level of conversation there was probably more to blame for continuing the headache. I tried to enjoy myself, but with a headache that noise was making worse and not really being able to eat didn't work out as well as I would have wished.

This makes me really sad for the future and the possibilities of socializing. I feel like a leper, that girl who doesn't eat anything...ugh.

I feel like I have some odd disability and I'm going to become an outcast.

No one is ever going to want to date a freak like me.

At least I can sit at home and eat my Newman-Os and ZenSoy Pudding..........

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